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iPad Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Just a reminder, we are having a  Pumpkin Carving Contest at the October Shine-N-Dine.  We have had several amazing competitions this year and have given out some great prizes, but this is the real deal.  The winner of our Pumpkin Carving Contest is going to receive a brand new Apple iPad.  So come out, bring your amazing works … Continue reading

Scavenger Hunt!

Come on out to Shine-N-Dine and compete in our scavenger hunt for an iPod Nano! Items must be turned in by 8pm tomorrow night which gives you just under 24 hours to complete this hunt! The list is only 60 items so if you try hard enough you could get all of them! Mind you, … Continue reading

Vintage Steak ‘n Shake Photo

Found a sweet old picture of OUR Steak ‘n Shake online, thought I’d share! See you all on the evening of the 21st!  

Shine-N-Dine July ’10 recap

Tonight’s show was a blast, we’ll have to do a poker run again sometime soon! In the meantime Scott Lynch won our iPod Nano, Bengie won Best of Show, Miss Winterkorn won best import mild, our new friend with the kick ass paint won import wild, Michael Godfrey’s brother Blake won Best Domestic Wild, our … Continue reading

Amsoil Sponsor!

Shine-N-Dine would like to thank its latest sponsor! Michael Cupp is a local Amsoil/other car stuff dealer and he’ll be at Shine-N-Dine this weekend to give away a $100 retail value car care kit! Make sure you are there!