Shine-N-Dine July ’10 recap

Tonight’s show was a blast, we’ll have to do a poker run again sometime soon! In the meantime Scott Lynch won our iPod Nano, Bengie won Best of Show, Miss Winterkorn won best import mild, our new friend with the kick ass paint won import wild, Michael Godfrey’s brother Blake won Best Domestic Wild, our … Continue reading

Amsoil Sponsor!

Shine-N-Dine would like to thank its latest sponsor! Michael Cupp is a local Amsoil/other car stuff dealer and he’ll be at Shine-N-Dine this weekend to give away a $100 retail value car care kit! Make sure you are there!

Shine-N-Dine July 17th @ 7pm, Poker Run, Cruise!!

We’ll be hosting Shine-N-Dine this weekend at Steak ‘n Shake on S. Glenstone same bat time, same bat channel! Come hang out at 7, be registered by 8, and we’ll do a cruise around town to all the Steak ‘n Shakes to pick up cards for a poker run where the prize is an iPod … Continue reading